1. When was the last time you bought a movie?

2.  Do you use DVD or Blueray?

3.  When was the last time you walked into a movie rental store?

4.  When do you anticipate walking into a movie rental store again?

5.  Do you use online movie rental services - if so which one(s)?

6.  How many movies are in your online rental list?


1. Our local Movie Zone went outta business and we bought about ten movies.

2. DVD

3. Around six months ago

4. That's up in the air!

5. I've never used online services but probably will soon.

6. I have about eight I'd love to see.

Love the movies...just that kinda chick!

God bless ya and have a marvelous week sweetie!!!

January 17, 2011 at 12:06 PM  

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