1.  What team were you rooting for in the Superbowl?

2.  What was your favorite commercial?

3.  What did you think of The Who?

4.  What were you snacking on?

5.  Were you at a party, hosting a party, or stayed home?

6.  If you weren't watching the Superbowl, what were you doing?


1. What team were you rooting for in the Superbowl? The Saints

2. What was your favorite commercial? Snickers

3. What did you think of The Who? Not overly impressed

4. What were you snacking on? Nothing

5. Were you at a party, hosting a party, or stayed home? Stayed home

6. If you weren't watching the Superbowl, what were you doing? playing on the computer

February 11, 2010 at 7:24 AM  

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