1.  What do you collect?

2.  What do other people try to give you as gifts because they think that's what you collect?

3.  How do you display your collections?

4.  Who do you know collects a lot of different things?

5.  How do you feel about this?


1. What do you collect? Books. I used to collect music boxes but not any more.

2. What do other people try to give you as gifts because they think that's what you collect? I used to get music boxes for gifts. Usually cheap ones that were purchased at a drug store. That's when I stopped collecting them.

3. How do you display your collections? Books on the bookcase in my office, music boxes (the nice ones) in my curio cabinet which is in my office.

4. Who do you know collects a lot of different things? My Gramma was a collector of just about anything termed "collectable." Mostly figurines. She had over 50 displayed in the living room and in her curio cabinet and when she died, we found over 100 Precious Moments figurines stashed behind the sofa in the den, still in their boxes.

5. How do you feel about this? I don't like clutter and knickknacks.

January 16, 2010 at 10:43 AM  

1. What do you collect? Flamingos. I also have a large collection of shotglasses, but they're in storage.

2. What do other people try to give you as gifts because they think that's what you collect? My mom thinks I'm still trying to decorate my kitchen in antique utensils. That was well over 12 years ago, mom, move on!

3. How do you display your collections? Flamingos are in my cubicle at work.

4. Who do you know collects a lot of different things? My mother. Every room in her house, including the laundry room, has a theme-o-crap.

5. How do you feel about this? Bitter that I will be the one holding the garage sale, which I thoroughly detest, when she leaves this earthly realm. Unless I go before her, but then it's my daughter's problem. She won't be so merciful. All of that crap is going right in the ol' trash can.

January 16, 2010 at 12:25 PM  

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