Think of one pet from your childhood:

1.  What breed was it?

2.  What was it's name?

3.  What color was it?

4.  Describe something outstanding about that pet:

5.  How were you informed of the pet's departure from this earthly realm?

6.  How did that impact you?

(Copy the questions, click on COMMENTS below, paste the questions and type your responses)


Think of one pet from your childhood:

1. What breed was it? Siamese bluepoint cat

2. What was it's name? Siam. Original, eh?

3. What color was it? Pale gray with darker gray face, feet and tail.

4. Describe something outstanding about that pet: Would eat anything , including jalapenos.

5. How were you informed of the pet's departure from this earthly realm? He just disappeared one day. We think he climbed into someone's car window to take a nap and they drove off with him. Or else my dad took him for a one-way ride. He hated that cat.

6. How did that impact you? Missed him because he was just "gone."

January 17, 2010 at 4:10 PM  

1. What breed was it? chihuahua

2. What was it's name? Sugar

3. What color was it? black

4. Describe something outstanding about that pet: She was the first pet that I remember. She made the move with us from California to Oregon

5. How were you informed of the pet's departure from this earthly realm? I was spending the summer with my grandparents. My grandma told me she died and as I was still digesting the information, tears streaming down my face she told me "that's okay, you'll end up with another dog." It was kind of cold hearted.

6. How did that impact you? I've never been able to attach closely to dogs. Sort of turned me into a cat person.

January 17, 2010 at 8:12 PM  

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