1.  When was the last time the electricity went out at your house?

2.  What was the longest you've ever gone without power?

3.  How do you occupy yourself without the power on?

4.  Are you scared of the dark?

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1. When was the last time the electricity went out at your house? During a storm a couple of years ago. However, hubby fired up his construction generator and we were watching TV while the rest of the neighborhood was sitting in the dark.

2. What was the longest you've ever gone without power? Not very long as long as we have the generator handy.

3. How do you occupy yourself without the power on? Reading.

4. Are you scared of the dark? Nope. Unless I hear scurrying rodents.

January 21, 2010 at 11:28 AM  

1. A few weeks ago, all of the power in our apartment went out. Totally random!

2. When I lived in NYC, we suffered this major black out. Must have been the summer of 2003. We thought it was 9/11 all over again. It was so awful. People were stuck in the city again - it's as if the world stopped. Impossible to get food, etc. Terrible time to live in the city. Hottest day and night ever!

3. I play with my cell phone and lay down with my kitty.

4. Yes, totally. So, so, so afraid! We have nightlights in every room.

January 21, 2010 at 11:38 AM  

1. When was the last time the electricity went out at your house? Yesterday at 2am

2. What was the longest you've ever gone without power? 8 days - summer 2006. I got into a routine running to the store every morning to buy ice to fill the cooler to keep the milk cold. At least I could cook and have warm showers.

3. How do you occupy yourself without the power on? Read

4. Are you scared of the dark? yes

January 21, 2010 at 7:13 PM  

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